These days, there’s little in the digital world that isn’t constantly changing and developing. Your website should be no exception. If you want to keep your audience engaged and your content desirable, you’ll have to stay on top of your game and make sure you’re in-the-know about the latest trends. If your site remains the same for too long and isn’t updated with exciting new content every once in a while, you risk appearing stale and irrelevant. Thankfully, you can use a professional website builder like Wix to tweak your site and give it the freshening up it requires.

This straightforward guide will explain how to update your website easily and efficiently:
Deciding whether you should update your website
Before you embark on a full-out website redesign (a hefty project which could potentially take months), consider whether a few simple adjustments could help bring your site to the next level. Knowing how to design a website is one thing, but keeping it constantly up-to-date is quite another. And if you’re not sure whether your website is in need of a little TLC, ask yourself the following questions:
Is my design slightly outdated?
Have my sales been decreasing recently?
Could I realistically increase my results with better product photography or a better overall user experience?
Could my brand benefit from any additional pages, such as a blog or an online store?
If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, or if they got you thinking about your site, a little website update may be at hand.
How to update a website in 8 steps
Review your current content and design
Check your website’s data
Evaluate your competitors’ websites
Gather inspiration
Add powerful multimedia elements
Align your design to current trends
Perform simple A/B testing
Optimize your SEO
article written by Dana Meir